Can CBD Help With Menstrual Cramps?

Can CBD Help With Menstrual Cramps?

Posted by Meghan Gregory on 28th Dec 2022

CBD for Menstrual Cramps: Can It Help with Period Pain?

Because CBD might help reduce inflammation and chronic pain, it might also help reduce menstrual cramps and other period-related symptoms, like headaches, lower back pain, and sore breasts.

Many women experience pain with their periods. The severity of the pain can range from moderate to extreme. Menstrual cramps are typically common, with approximately 75% of women experiencing cramps during their periods.

Speaking from my experience with endometriosis, I find CBD extremely effective. I use Wellness 1800mg CBD tincture and a 3000mg CBD bath bomb to help alleviate the pain.

What is PMS and menstrual pain?

Menstrual pain is also called period pain or dysmenorrhea.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a group of symptoms that may start a week or two before a person gets their period.

Hormonal changes may cause menstrual pain symptoms, but the exact cause of menstrual pain is currently unknown.

Menstrual pain can be mild, but some people experience pain severe enough to interfere with their daily lives. A 2021 research review showed that 16–91% of women of reproductive age experience menstrual pain, with 2–29% experiencing severe pain.

The review above lists the following as symptoms of menstrual pain:

  • lower abdominal cramps
  • back pain
  • diarrhea
  • constipation
  • nausea
  • bloating
  • vomiting

The role of CBD in relieving menstrual pain

A 2019 review of studies into CBD as a treatment for PMS showed that cannabis might be helpful with chronic and acute pain relief, and cannabis and CBD may relieve similar symptoms.

Additionally, a 2020 research review concluded that it is not possible to definitively state that CBD is solely responsible for reducing pain symptoms, as many products used in studies on this subject contain delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

According to research from 2019Trusted Source, women with endometriosis self-rated cannabis or CBD oil as the most effective at relieving pain, compared with physical interventions, such as yoga and stretching, and other remedies. But the survey did not evaluate whether cannabis or CBD oil was more effective than the other.

However, some evidence does suggest that CBD alone might have pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. A 2016 study on rats, for example, found that applying CBD gel reduced joint inflammation and pain with no adverse effects.

These properties may help reduce painful period-related cramping and other uncomfortable symptoms during your period, including headaches.

Research suggests that THC and CBD work best together, so if you’re looking for a CBD product to help with menstrual pain, consider opting for a full-spectrum one.